Once upon a time, yes this is a fairy tale, a young girl named Marry came along three upset pigs sitting on the edge of a river. Mary, at only ten years old, is the care taker of over one hundred sheep's. She never had troubles sleeping at night because she'd trained her sheep to jump over her bed. She wore a red hoodey over a white dress every day of her life. Now every Sunday Marry and her sheep would carry a basket of fresh baked goods to her grandma, who lives in the forest. On her way she came across three pigs. They were sitting in a row on the rough sand on the riverbed. They all looked the exactly same except for the colour of the shirts, the first one wore a yellow shirt, the second a blue shit, and the third a green shirt
She asked them curiously "Why are you sitting on the edge of a river with troubled frowns on your faces".
Larry, the first pig replied "Well, these big obnoxious bears blew down my house made of hay". Curley, the second pig announced "The same croaks blew down my house made of sticks".
Moe, the third pig said "I was stuck with these two living in my brick house when someone decided to try and dry their clothes in the oven!" Moe turns to Larry, "Which burnt my whole flipping house down, you idiot."
"Hey It was quicker than leaving them on the clothes line, I just shouldn't have sprayed them with that flammable detergent before I put them in. It coulda' happened to anyone", replies Larry
"Well it seems like you three are in quite a bit of trouble but I must be off to my grandma's house to deliver my secret ingredient cookies."
"Watch out for the bears" they all replied simultaneously
Marry continued on her journey down the trail when she came across a house she had never seen before. Being the curious little twerp she was she decided to knock on the door and say hello. No one answered. She noticed the door was unlocked, so why not go in. She left the sheep and the basket outside and walked in; noticing three bowls of fruit-loops sitting on a dinning room table. The house was large but everything was one room, the kitchen the dinning room and the living room. Marry is quite half-witted, she figures that she is allowed to walk into some strangers house and eat their cereal. Seeing the bowls of fruit-loops she decides to eat a bowl. The first bowl the milk was too warm, the second bowl the milk was too cold, don't ask me how milk gets too cold, and the third one was just right. She sits down and engulfs the whole bowl in about 3.6 seconds. Just as she finished sipping all the milk, three bears walk through the door! Two were massive and one was just a cub. The father bear was wearing a green and yellow striped tie the Mother bear had a flower in its hair. They all stopped and stared at Marry. The father bear screamed at Marry saying words I'm not allowed to type. The baby bear stepped in front of his father.
"Its okay dad, I got this"
The baby bear wore a back words hat and dark shades. Marry knows this bear means business. They both know what's happening. At that moment in time the three pigs and all the sheep ran in the house and formed a circle around Marry and the cub. Curley placed a boom box on the floor. "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga started to play. Moe jumped on top of the dinning room table and screamed at the top of his lungs "DANCE OFF!". Mary kicked things of my c-walking forwards and backwards across the circle. The cub answered back by doing the robot. Marry had never seen a robot that good. She didn't want this getting outta hand so she tried to finish it early. She flew on the ground and started spinning on her shoulders with her legs propelling her around, the crowed screamed. The cub replied with a one hand spin, his elbow bent at a 90 degree angle. His whole body is still but he's spinning around. The crowd is now louder than the music. Marry decides to take this to another level. She flips on her hood and starts running around the circle, she closes in to the middle. Next she places her two hands and her head on the floor. She then starts rotating her body with her hands, then she takes them away. Marry is now in a full head spin. A move of epic proportions. She kicks her legs up and lands on her feet. The cub stands their in awe, mouth wide open. The songs ends and so does the dance off. The cub had no reply. Marry stands panting "Better luck next time boy". She left the house with her sheep and the pigs following her.The sheep and the pigs were cheering.
Marry had a mission to get to grandma's and the pigs decided to join her. When they arrived at grandma's house she invited everyone in for tea. They enjoyed their fresh basket of baked goods and later fell asleep from the long day they all had.
I almost forgot one thing, and they all lived happily ever after.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Road Synthesis
The poem "The Winners" and the book "The Road" are directly related in that they both deal with; people with out hope will not survive and the fighting heart carries on. The first three lines of "The Winners" sums up the poem and "The Road"; "Those only win who reach the gate. Through surf and storm and bitter gale. Through pain and loneliness and hate."
The father and the son in the book are trying to reach the coast. They don't know what will be there but they know they have to get there. On their journey to get to the coast they battle appalling rain storms and loathsome winds. The father and son only have each other, no one else. They can not trust anyone for the probability they might kill them, therefore they are alone. They suffer for days because of starvation, they grow weak and agonize from the pain.
The father and son are "carrying the fire". The fire is a symbol for hope. They believe that if they have hope, will and determination, they can survive in this post-apocalyptic era. Everyone left have become savages and only care about their own survival. The poem illuminates a line which describes the father and sons hope; "Whose names are written in the scroll. Of those who stand with unbowed soul". The father and the son are written on the scroll. They believe that they can live in this world of Armageddon. They have an unbowed soul because the father and son never give up, even in the worst of times. They never succumb to defeat.
Every one besides the father and son have given up. They gave up on the dream of one day living in a normal world again. They gave up because to get to the dream it is too hard to get there. "The road is long, the dream is gone" represents every one who lost hope.
The end of the poem states "The fighting heart still carries on", this concludes the father and sons journey of survival. They have carried on through the defying odds. The carry on because of the love for one another. "The Winners" and "The Road" are directly related through lost hope and fighting hearts.
The father and the son in the book are trying to reach the coast. They don't know what will be there but they know they have to get there. On their journey to get to the coast they battle appalling rain storms and loathsome winds. The father and son only have each other, no one else. They can not trust anyone for the probability they might kill them, therefore they are alone. They suffer for days because of starvation, they grow weak and agonize from the pain.
The father and son are "carrying the fire". The fire is a symbol for hope. They believe that if they have hope, will and determination, they can survive in this post-apocalyptic era. Everyone left have become savages and only care about their own survival. The poem illuminates a line which describes the father and sons hope; "Whose names are written in the scroll. Of those who stand with unbowed soul". The father and the son are written on the scroll. They believe that they can live in this world of Armageddon. They have an unbowed soul because the father and son never give up, even in the worst of times. They never succumb to defeat.
Every one besides the father and son have given up. They gave up on the dream of one day living in a normal world again. They gave up because to get to the dream it is too hard to get there. "The road is long, the dream is gone" represents every one who lost hope.
The end of the poem states "The fighting heart still carries on", this concludes the father and sons journey of survival. They have carried on through the defying odds. The carry on because of the love for one another. "The Winners" and "The Road" are directly related through lost hope and fighting hearts.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I couldn't pick just one super power. But if I had to, I would pick to be super. By that I mean that I would like to be Superman. Superman has all the best super powers, hence the name Superman. First of all he can fly. Everyone wants to fly! It doesn't matter who you are; I know that if you could fly, you would. I wish I could wake up each morning, walk out my front door, raise my right arm and fly to school. Think how practical and convenient it is, not to mention I don't have to pay for gas. There's no traffic in the air so I wouldn't have to wait at a red light for what seems to be 4 hours. The best part is that it's remarkably fast but the down side is that my hair would get messy every time I fly.
Superman also has super strength. With this I could stop all the bullies in the world and if I wanted to I could lift cars. I could have a great career with super human strength, such as an Olympic weight lifter; there's no way I could lose. If there was a 10 car pile up at an intersection I could just fly down and lift each car off one another. Or if a plane was about to crash I could just catch it like an outfielder in baseball. Ladies canonize strong men so imagine all the good looking dates I could get.
Last superpowers that I would like are x-ray vision, and the ability to deflect bullets. Now I know what your thinking as soon as I say x-ray vision. Lets just say I would use it for the better of man kind and not for the inadequate. If I am in a warehouse chasing villains and there is a guy behind a wall with kryptonite trying to kill me. I can find him with ease by using my x-ray vision. The ability to deflect bullets would be outstanding. Guns are the easiest way to kill someone. If I could deflect the most powerful weapon one man could use, how could i be stopped. I would be the ultimate war machine, for the admirable of course. We wouldn't have to worry about terrorists because I would exterminate them all. Being Superman would be an easy way of life. I can see why he's called Superman. He's the best.
Superman also has super strength. With this I could stop all the bullies in the world and if I wanted to I could lift cars. I could have a great career with super human strength, such as an Olympic weight lifter; there's no way I could lose. If there was a 10 car pile up at an intersection I could just fly down and lift each car off one another. Or if a plane was about to crash I could just catch it like an outfielder in baseball. Ladies canonize strong men so imagine all the good looking dates I could get.
Last superpowers that I would like are x-ray vision, and the ability to deflect bullets. Now I know what your thinking as soon as I say x-ray vision. Lets just say I would use it for the better of man kind and not for the inadequate. If I am in a warehouse chasing villains and there is a guy behind a wall with kryptonite trying to kill me. I can find him with ease by using my x-ray vision. The ability to deflect bullets would be outstanding. Guns are the easiest way to kill someone. If I could deflect the most powerful weapon one man could use, how could i be stopped. I would be the ultimate war machine, for the admirable of course. We wouldn't have to worry about terrorists because I would exterminate them all. Being Superman would be an easy way of life. I can see why he's called Superman. He's the best.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
What If ?
What if we lived on the moon. We would live in a giant bubble the size of BC, with an infinite air supply. We would still go out for dinner and go for walks with our dogs but it would be much more difficult with less gravity. Eating soup would be very bothersome. Every day activities such as mowing the lawn would be problematic. After you mow, grass debris will fly all over the place and make your lawn look like a mess. Then again we wouldn't even have grass on the moon so that's a ridiculous idea. Looking on the positive side we wouldn't have any snow to trouble with. No snow would mean no snowboarding or skiing, obviously, but we could invent creator surfing; which is quite self explanatory.
The best part about living on the moon would definitely be playing sports. It would make them a lot more challenging. Basketball would be easier, even Ben Bogaardt could dunk the ball effortlessly. If we were to play baseball the ball wouldn't fly as fast and it would be too easy to catch. It might become obsolete but its not like anyone likes baseball anyway. If golf was on the moon the ball would probably take 5 minuets to land after a shot, making a 4 hour round even longer. Scratched golf clubs would be very irritable since we already know there's no grass on the moon. I'd say golf will become obsolete as well and maybe if we're lucky so will all of Tiger Woods' commercials. Come to think of it the only sports we could play would be basketball and rugby. I'm sure if we lived on the moon long enough we could invent new sports. I could ramble on about shot put, long jump, high jump, discus, and javelin but I'll just sum that up by saying they will be cinch, and really boring to watch. Living on the moon would be fun, but sports would change immensely. Maybe a just a vacation to the moon would be more manageable.
The best part about living on the moon would definitely be playing sports. It would make them a lot more challenging. Basketball would be easier, even Ben Bogaardt could dunk the ball effortlessly. If we were to play baseball the ball wouldn't fly as fast and it would be too easy to catch. It might become obsolete but its not like anyone likes baseball anyway. If golf was on the moon the ball would probably take 5 minuets to land after a shot, making a 4 hour round even longer. Scratched golf clubs would be very irritable since we already know there's no grass on the moon. I'd say golf will become obsolete as well and maybe if we're lucky so will all of Tiger Woods' commercials. Come to think of it the only sports we could play would be basketball and rugby. I'm sure if we lived on the moon long enough we could invent new sports. I could ramble on about shot put, long jump, high jump, discus, and javelin but I'll just sum that up by saying they will be cinch, and really boring to watch. Living on the moon would be fun, but sports would change immensely. Maybe a just a vacation to the moon would be more manageable.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Cormac McCarthy Novel Research... Bologna

Cormac McCarthy is an American novelist who has written 10 novels in southern gothic, western, and post-apocalyptic genres. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for "The Road" and his novel "No Country fro Old Men" became a movie which recieved 4 Academy Awards.
McCarthy was born in Rhode Island on july 20, 1933, but later moved with his family to Knoxville Tennessee. He attended the University of Tennessee for two years then joined the Air Force for four years. He Returned to the University of Tennesee only to leave without earning a degree and moved with his family to Chicago where he would write his first novel.
McCarthy published his first novel in 1965. "The Orchard Keeper" was published by Random House because it is the only publisher McCarthy heard of.
In 1966 McCarthy married his wife which he met on a ship on a trip to Ireland. McCarthy then travelled to Ibiza where he wrote his second book, "Outer Dark". Later on, McCarthy and his wife moved to Louisville Tennessee. Here he would write his third book "Child of God". "Suttree", a novel he had been writing for 24 years would finally be published when he moved to Texas after a seperation from his wife. The New York Times Magazine placed McCarthy's next book, macArthur Fellowship, third on the list of the greatest American novels. McCarthy's final book was "The Road" which won international acclaim and the Pulitzer Prize.
McCarthy has successfully written 10 books and has won 8 awards for them. He has had 4 of his novels made into movies and "The Road" will soon be made into a film as well.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My Review
My review is going to be for the Vancouver Canucks 08-09 season and the 09 playoffs. The Vancouver Canucks so far have had a very successful season. At the beginning of the season they aquired players such as Pavol Demitra, Mats Sundin, Ryan Johnson, Shane O'Brien, and Darcy Hordechuck. Although they lost Markus Naslund and Brendan Morrison, their new players have been filling their shoes nicely. Pavol Demitra has made a large impact on the Canucks. He has scored 19 goals and added 31 helpers to his point list for a total of 50 points. Which is better than Morrisons 25 points last season and with a few more games left in this season he will catch Naslunds point total of 55. Mats Sundin joined the team in early January and is making his impact slowly but surely. He only has 25 points so far but is a big body on the ice. He's strong in the faceoff circle and always a force on the powerplay, his puck moving skills are phenominal. Sundin will definately prove himself in the playoffs. Taking things to the defensive end of the ice, Shane O'Brien has been very productive. He doesn't have any goals or many points but he is a strong defensman who always stands his ground. He isn't afraid to get in a fight either. He is in the top of the league in penalty minutes but that just shows that he likes to play physical. Ryan Johnson and Darcy Hordechuck have been satisfactory 4th liners. Ryan Johnson lead the league last year in blocked shots and he is doing the same this year. Darcy Hordechuck is a checker who is always willing to drop the gloves.
Although our new players are playing exceptionally well, the ones that have been around for a while are doing well too. The Sedin twins are leading the team wil 77 and 76 points and are always prodominate on the powerplay. Added recently to the Sedin line was Alex Burrows. Who, since joining their line, has been scoring more goals and getting more points than ever. He has 47 points and is on track for his first 30 goal season. Ryan Kesler has been dominate as well with 55 points. Kesler Sundin and Demitra have made a strong second line for Vancouver, which can score goals and have combined for a total of 130 points.
Almost Done. But I can't end this review without talking about Roberto Luongo. Luongo is hands down one of the best goalies is the league today. He is second in the league with 7 shutouts, 5th with a 2.34 goals against average, and has a .920 save percentage. The Vancouver Canucks have a verystrong team this year and have a very good chance at the stanley cup.
Although our new players are playing exceptionally well, the ones that have been around for a while are doing well too. The Sedin twins are leading the team wil 77 and 76 points and are always prodominate on the powerplay. Added recently to the Sedin line was Alex Burrows. Who, since joining their line, has been scoring more goals and getting more points than ever. He has 47 points and is on track for his first 30 goal season. Ryan Kesler has been dominate as well with 55 points. Kesler Sundin and Demitra have made a strong second line for Vancouver, which can score goals and have combined for a total of 130 points.
Almost Done. But I can't end this review without talking about Roberto Luongo. Luongo is hands down one of the best goalies is the league today. He is second in the league with 7 shutouts, 5th with a 2.34 goals against average, and has a .920 save percentage. The Vancouver Canucks have a verystrong team this year and have a very good chance at the stanley cup.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Terrible Perrils of the Dreadful Lottery
"What is indifference? Etymologycally, the word means "no difference" -a strange and unatural state in which the lines blur between light and darkness, dusk and dawn, crime and punishment, cruelty and compassion, good and evil." Everyday customary people can get into abhorrent situations in their life. Your neighbor can walk out the door of their house, with their wife and children inisde, to go murder people everyday. But you nor your neighbor and his family wouldn't think anything of it. It is just their way of life and you are accustomed to it. In the Lottery these joyus people stone someone every year and continue on with their day as if nothing happened. "[The men] stood together... and their jokes were quietand they smiled rather than laughed.. [The women] greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands. Soon the women, standing by your husbands, begqan to call their children. These people grow up being taught that these are the ways of life and this is what's right. If you grew.
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